When choosing a new or used forklift, you need to take into account the specifics of the work at a particular enterprise, the maintainability of the loader of a certain brand, the availability of spare parts (repair kit) and service. The most important factors influencing the choice are the conditions of production, the types and area of production facilities, the types of goods transported, their size, weight, packaging, as well as the planned intensity of work. It is necessary to take into account the condition of the floors in the enterprise (in relation to the type of truck tires). Only after analyzing all these indicators, you can begin to evaluate the loader itself – its load capacity, height and speed of lifting loads, speed of movement, engine power.
The lowest price class is made up of used Bulgarian-made forklifts. They are still in high demand, but their quality leaves much to be desired. However, these loaders will also be good for certain conditions – for example, for seasonal work or for not too intensive operation for 3-5 years. If you need equipment that should be used intensively for 10 years or more, then the best choice is to choose more expensive imported equipment.
The forklift trucks are powered by an internal combustion engine. They are widely used, first of all, due to the low cost compared to electric loaders, the cost of a new battery for an electric colleague can be up to 50% of the price of the entire electric machine. Their important advantage is that they do not require constant recharging.
There is a mixed version of the loader with an internal combustion engine – this is a gasoline loader with a gas system installed on it. However, such machines are less common in Belarus than in Europe, mainly due to more stringent European requirements for the ecological culture of production and trade.
Electric loaders are powered by a traction battery. They do not pollute the air, so they can be used in closed rooms, even small ones. They have a number of disadvantages: first, such loaders are included in the elite price class – they are about one and a half times more expensive than forklifts. Secondly, electric loaders with an acid battery require a separate room for charging, without which they can work for no more than 12 hours. Such units are afraid of a sharp temperature drop. In addition, problems with the traction battery may occur if the battery is operated incorrectly.
Технические характеристики вилочных погрузчиков
The components and components of the machine largely determine its capabilities. So, the tires must match the nature of the road surface. The turning radius of the loader and the dimensions of the load must correspond to the minimum width of the aisles. A large lifting height of the fork carriage may be necessary when loading pallets in two tiers into cargo vans and railway wagons. Installing a side-offset fork carriage can quickly pay off with increased productivity and increased safety. With an increase in the speed of the forklift, either the productivity may increase or the safety of the operation may decrease. Thanks to the smoother operation of the thyristor hydraulic controls, the load is less likely to be damaged. Of course, almost every technical solution that makes the work more efficient and convenient, you have to pay, so when choosing a forklift, you need to look for a reasonable combination of the desired characteristics and cost. The main parameters to be defined in this section are:
- максимальная грузоподъемность;
- номинальная грузоподъемность;
- маневренность (радиус поворота, минимальная ширина прохода для вилочного погрузчика с грузом);
- грузоподъемная мачта (высота при полностью выдвинутой мачте, высота подъема каретки с вилами, число секций мачты, увеличенный наклон мачты, увеличенная высота подъема каретки, привод регулировки вил);
- длина и тип вил;
- тип ходовой части;
- электрический двигатель (переменного или постоянного тока, напряжение, типоразмер и емкость аккумуляторных батарей, способ их снятия – сбоку или сверху, наличие индикатора износа щеток электродвигателя);
- двигатель внутреннего сгорания автопогрузчика (мощность, марка);
- скорость движения (переднего хода с максимальной нагрузкой, заднего хода с максимальной нагрузкой);
- скорость подъема и опускания вил (с нагрузкой);
- максимальный преодолеваемый подъем (с нагрузкой);
- усилие на буксировочном крюке;
- гидравлическое оборудование вилочного погрузчика;
- органы управления (ручные, на тиристорах или транзисторах).